Flu Bomb Recipe

Flu Bomb Drink- A Unique Name 

The very name ‘Flu Bomb Recipe’ attracts the attention of the public as the name is not common. On the other hand the name flu bomb is very relevant to the soul of this . For instance, this drink relieves symptoms like colds, flu, upper respiratory infections, sinus, congestion etc. As a result we can say that the flu bomb can destroy (finish) the respiratory issues. 

Flu Bomb Recipe
Homemade Flu Bomb

Why this Flu Bomb Recipe? 

The speciality of this flu bomb recipe of mine is that it will tell you about the medicinal properties of all the ingredients of this drink. The taste of this specific flu bomb  is a bit different from others. You might have heard somewhere that a flu bomb drink doesn’t taste pleasant. But surprisingly this flu bomb is a pleasant one. Trial is a condition. 



Clean drinking water 1.5 cups
Garlic clove (crushed)  1 clove big
Eucalyptus oil 2 drops
Mint leaves 4,5 leaves
Lemon juice 1 tsp
Honey  1 tsp
Ginger juice 1 tsp
Black pepper powder (optional) Half a pinch



This procedure involves a bit of cooking of some ingredients in this flu bomb recipe and rest of the items will be mixed in the drink afterwards. 

  • Take 1.5 cups of clean fresh drinking water in a pan and put it on fire on medium flame. 
  • When the water comes to a boil, add crushed clove of garlic in it. 
  • After 5 seconds pour drops of eucalyptus oil in the pan. 
  • Now it’s time to add fresh and washed mint leaves in the water. 
  • Let these things boil in water for 5 to 7 minutes. 
  • When the water quantity remains almost half, remove the pan from the flame. 
  • Sieve the water properly into a mug. 
  • Now add the remaining ingredients one by one quickly so that the water does not lose its heat. 
  • Add honey first as it is thick and needs hot water to be diluted. 
  • Then add ginger juice, lemon juice and black pepper. 
  • Stir well while the flu bomb drink is still releasing steam. 
  • Sit in your comfortable couch and drink it sip by sip assuming that it is melting down all your congestion and the herbs which are added in this flu bomb recipe are weakening the cold viruses in your body.  


Nutritional facts of the ingredients. 

Ginger : 

Ginger is one of the most effective herbal roots which have miraculous reliefs in cough and flu. Once I was adversely affected by cough and cold. No medicine, no syrups, no soups worked against my problem. Then my aunt told me to boil ginger pieces in water and then drink. I was amazed that it gave me instant relief. 


All of us know that garlic is an antioxidant which is good for our cells. 

  • Eucalyptus oil: 

The inclusion of eucalyptus oil in the flu bomb recipe is very logical as this plant is antiseptic and gives a soothing feel in cough and cold. 

  • Mint: 

Mint leaves are known for the improvement in cold symptoms.

  • Lemon: 

Lemon is rich in vitamin C. Moreover, citrus fruits are always good for the strength of the immune system. 

  • Honey: 

Honey has a variety of benefits including the relief of congestion. Simultaneously, its best use is its taste which makes our foods and drinks more tasteful. 



The flu bomb recipe will comfort your cold prisoned body and give immediate relief. It is a tried and tested recipe. I have customized it via experiments in order to make its taste more enjoyable and its efficacy more strong. Its ingredients are the first hand testimony that this flu bomb recipe will literally work. 


Q: What is the alternative of eucalyptus oil? 

Ans. Although eucalyptus oil is commonly used, if it is not available, you can use tea tree oil or oregano. 

Q: Why is black pepper powder used in this drink? 

Ans. Some people use cayenne pepper in the flu bomb recipe. But I prefer black pepper because it not only tastes better but also works as an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory agent. It is an optional ingredient which can be skipped. 

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