A Delicious Choice: Chicken of the Woods recipe with Pasta

chicken of the woods recipe with Pasta

Humans are the supreme creature of the Lord. The wisdom and potential with which this being has been awarded keep him in search of new domains in every area of his life. So is the food which is perhaps the basic in all needs. This search has taken us to an amazing dish named ‘chicken of the woods recipe’ which tastes so unique and adds up to the value of your menu list.  

Why this recipe?

All the food lovers who have a mellow aesthetic in their dietary choices and are searching for new hunts in recipes if reading this; are at the right forum. This is me, Sarah, a fine food lover like you and I also like to share my recipes with other people to make their eating more joyous. I have always liked  chicken of the woods recipe of which I am going to share with you. This recipe of chicken in the woods will feel different to you as in this recipe you will find mouth watering variations and a unique taste of chicken in mushrooms. 

Chicken of the woods recipe

This dish will have a non-veg taste for vegetarians by using mushrooms from the woods. 

Course type 

It might be used as a side dish, an appetizer or a main course depending on the cooking style you adopt for the chicken of the woods. The recipe under consideration is a main course as it is being cooked with a mix of pasta so it will give you a full satisfying feel. 

The uniqueness of taste like chicken but found in the wilds 

The title chicken of the woods itself is a paradox which is the uniqueness of this recipe. The main ingredient in this dish are the mushrooms which grow in the jungles. Amazingly enough the taste of these bright orange peachy colored mushrooms matches the taste of chicken. 

While on a leisure trip in the woods, have you ever seen an extra growth of some frilly shells on the trunk of an oak tree? Yes! This same thing is mushroom. 

I usually envy those adventurous souls who plan a BBQ or cooking in the Nature after hunting an animal or bird with their own hands. The same excitement is felt, believe me, when you find these chicken of the woods shells accidently and grab them for your dinner. 

Mind it, either you pluck or cut them from the trunk by yourself or buy from somewhere, make sure that you wash this chicken of the woods thoroughly. 

Nutritional value 

  • Chicken of the woods is rich in protein, vitamin B6 and sodium. It is one of the best dietary fibers to make your gut health pleasant. 
  • Pasta is full of carbohydrates and potassium. 
  • Spring onions are a good source of vitamin C. 
  • Most of all this recipe is almost cholesterol free because except a little use of olive oil (which itself is beneficial for health and maintains the requirement of necessary fats in the body) nothing else is used in this chicken of the woods recipe. 


Chicken of the woods mushrooms 400 grams
Olive oil 2 tbsp
Lemon juice 2 tsp
Garlic cloves (finely chopped or crushed) As per taste
Black pepper (crushed/powdered) 1/4th tsp
Salt  As per taste
Spring onions (roughly chopped) 100 grams
Ketchup or tomato sauce 2 tbsp
Pasta boiled 500 grams



Step 1 (washing)

  • Wash the chicken of the woods mushrooms with clean water. 
  • Make sure that all the wild debris and mud is cleaned from it. 
  • Dry them in a paper towel.
  • Trim the edges of the mushrooms and remove all the weedy stuff. 
  • Cut the mushrooms in 1 inch slice shape. 
  • Drop lemon juice on these slices and spread on all the pieces. 

Step 2 (cooking)

  •   Take a skillet. Pour olive oil in it.
  • Keep the flame low to medium. 
  • When oil heats up add garlic paste in it. 
  • After a light frying for 30 seconds, add chicken of the woods mushrooms in it. 
  • Keep sauteing for 4 minutes until you feel that they are tender.  
  • Now put spring onions in it.
  • Add salt and black pepper. Mix well while frying. 
  • Also add ketchup or tomato sauce in the skillet.

When you mix all the ingredients well then turn the flame low and add boiled pasta in the fried material. You may choose pasta shape or form of your own choice. 

Toss the pasta very well in the cooked and seasoned chicken of the woods.  

Step 3 garnishing variations

This dish has many tasteful garnishing options. Each variation has a new aromatic moreish taste. Like after dishing out the chicken of the woods and pasta 

  • You can surround it with fries. 
  • You can serve it with sauteed veggies like broccoli, carrot, capsicum.
  • You can sprinkle cheese over this dish and keep it in the oven for a few minutes. 
  • If you want to make your food more creamy, you may add white sauce in it. 


  • Some people have certain food allergies specially to wild grown items. So make sure that you are on friendly terms with the chicken of the woods. 
  • Cleaning and washing of the mushrooms should be thorough and satisfactory. 
  • Be sure about the chicken of the woods whether it has been fully cooked. Half cooked mushrooms may create some digestive issues. Moreover, complete cooking is necessary to release heat sensitive toxins from your food. 
  • Don’t cook spring onions too much. 10 seconds of tossing is enough. These vegetables feel good in crunch form when mixed in pasta and chicken of the woods type material. 


  • What should be done if the chicken of the woods doesn’t get tender?

Ans. Cut the slices of mushrooms thinly. Remove the hard sides and frilly edges or weeds from it before cooking. 

  • What is a better alternative of olive oil in this recipe of chicken of the woods? 

Ans. Though olive oil is the best option, if you don’t like the taste, you may use any type of oil or butter of your own choice. 

  • Which form or shape of pasta suits best in this specific recipe of chicken of the woods?

Ans. Noodles and macaroni both suit this recipe. Macaroni is a better option.

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